Kino in der Reitschule

Shorts: Indigenous Visions

Screening of short films and conversation with Alisi Telengut about the possibilities of filmmaking and particularly animation to paint visions of futures beyond western hegemony.

The Fourfold | Alisi Telengut | Canada  | 2020 | 7 Min

Baigal Nuur - Lake Baikal | Alisi Telengut | Canada  | 2023 | 9 Min

Bihttoš (Rebel) | Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers | Canada/Norway | 2014 | 14 Min

3000 | Asinnajaq | Canada | 2017 |14 Min


Arctic Voices meets ciné liminal!

Across four short films we will: See animistic beliefs and rapid environmental changes meet (The Fourfold); witness the re-imagination of the formation of a Siberian lake (Baigal Nuur - Lake Baikal); follow the love story of a mother with Blackfoot descent and a Sami father (Bihttoš); and dive into an imaginary universe between archival material and reinterpretation of the present, past and future of Inuk peoples (3000).

Alisi Telengut, a Canadian artist with Mongolian roots who lives in Germany and Canada, will be present in person and have a conversation with us about animation, her films and how she looks at the role of the land in their making. (for more information about the artist see: https://alisitelengut.com/About).

Weitere Infos

Kino in der Reitschule ist barrierefrei zugänglich. Auf dem Weg zum Kino gibt es Pflastersteine und einige kleine Schwellen.

Eintritt auf Kollekte.

Diskussion und Filme auf Englisch.



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Kino in der Reitschule

Das Kino befindet sich in einem ehemaligen Pferdestall am seitlichen Ende des Innenhofes der Reitschule. Das Kino-Kollektiv, bestehend aus ehrenamtlich engagierten Filmbegeisterten, zeigt themenbezogene Zyklen zu jeweils politisch aktuellen Themen, nationalen wie internationalen, die oft von themenbezogenen Referaten und Diskussionsrunden begleitet werden.


Neucbrückstrasse 8

3012 Bern

The Fourfold

(Alisi Telengut, Kanada 2020, 7min, OV/e)

Based on the ancient animistic beliefs and shamanic rituals in Mongolia and Siberia, an exploration of the indigenous worldview and wisdom. Against the backdrop of the modern existential crisis and the human-induced rapid environmental change, there is a necessity to reclaim the ideas of animism for planetary health and non-human materialities.

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Baigal Nuur - Lake Baikal

(Alisi Telengut, Canada 2023, 9 Min, OV/e)

The formation of Lake Baikal in Siberia is reimagined with hand-painted animation and found objects, featuring the voice of an Indigenous woman who can still recall some words in her endangered Buryat language (a Mongolian dialect).

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Bihttos (Rebel)

(Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Kanda / Norwegen 2014, 14min, OV/e)

Mixing archival footage, re-enactments and animation, Elle-Maija Tailfeathers´ extraordinary beautiful and poignant documentary Bihttos explores how past injustices impacted the marriage of her mother, who is of Blackfoot descent, and her Sami father.

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(Asinnajaq, Kanada, 2017, 14min, OV/e

In this short film, Inuk artist Asinnajaq plunges us into a sublime imaginary universe—14 minutes of luminescent, archive-inspired cinema that recast the present, past and future of her people in a radiant new light.

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