Kornhausforum Bern
Eintritt Frei

The Arctic as Conflicted Region: Indigenous Rights and Geopolitical Interests

The film and event series Arctic Voices invites indigenous voices and stories to Bern. At the same time, the Kornhausforum faces northwards and presents the exhibition «Polwärts – Einsichten in den hohen Norden».

In the exhibition hall, following a showing of the film «Home River» (description below), we will discuss how indigenous communities fight for their rights and how these rights are negotiated in the midst of (geo)political interests.

The arctic, due to its geographical location and the availability of sought-after resources needed for a transition to green energy, among other things, is of particular interest to states and multinational corporations. At the same time, the region, which is particularly affected by the effects of climate change, is  home to numerous Indigenous Communities. The oftentimes conflicting interests put the Indigenous Communities under pressure and geopolitical dynamics close spaces for international exchange in the region. What are the affected Indigenous Communities demanding? How can their right to self-determination be upheld? And how can Switzerland play its part in finding the necessary global solutions?

Panel with:

- Lars Anders Baer, Saami Politician and member of the Sámiráđđi / Saami Council

- Maria Gunilla Påve Wilks, Chair of the Sámi Parliament in Norway’s youth committee

- Alexandra Baumann, head of the Prosperity and Sustainability Division at the FDFA and Swiss ambassador to the Arctic Council

- Cyrill Hermann, Climate Strike Activist

Moderation: Tabea Willi, Program Coordinator Arctic at the Society for Threatened Peoples

The event is a collaboration with Kornhausforum, Politforum Bern the Society for Threatened Peoples and Klimastreik Bern

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Kornhausforum Bern

Das Kornhausforum ist Ausstellungs- und Diskursort für gesellschaftlich relevante Themen. Wir wollen zum Neudenken und Staunen anregen.


Kornhausplatz 18

3011 Bern


(Home River)

Kati Eriksen & Scott Thornton, Finnland / USA, 2023, 26min, OV/e.

In 2017, three Sámi women broke the law to protect their traditions. The Sámi people had fished the Deatnu River as a livelihood and spiritual practice for centuries until Finland enforced unprecedented restrictions on the river. In a monumental case for Indigenous rights, Kati, Ánne, and Heidi fought the state to keep their culture alive.

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